lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Lost & Found

De las pocas cosas de las que me siento satisfecho y que quisiera hacer en gran formato, di el original como regalo, encontre fotos en la memoria interna de la camara fotografica.
Des très peu de choses que je sens satisfction et que je voudrais travailler en grand format, j'ai donné l'original comme cadeau, j'ai trouvé des phoptos damns la memoire de mon apareil numerique.
One of few things that I'm feel proud and that I would like to make in big format, I gave the original as a gift, I found some pics in the internal memory of my camera.

20 x 20cm, gouache, tempera; wood, madera, 2006.

1 comentario:

Pablaktus dijo...

Traduccion al ingles:
Everybody has two duvets,
in those he keeps after himself.
In those he has got roundabout.
In those he has got feathers.
He has got white feathers in those
in duvets.